Twitch Spanish Statistics


Live viewers

7-day avg. viewers

Live channels

7-day avg. channels

By-hour averges for the last 7 days


  • According to the chart, the highest ratio is at , when there are viewers per live stream.
  • Currently, the number of concurrent viewers is than the average for this hour, which is .
  • The top 10 Spanish channels account for about 16% of the total Spanish viewing time for the week.
  • Use this chart to determine the best time to stream for Spanish Twitch audience.

Concurrent Viewers

Concurrent Channels

Top Live Spanish Streams

Channel Live viewers
auronplay 27816
ibai 23419
imantado 14461
Mixwell 12216
Spursito 11987
DjMaRiiO 10974
MartinCirioOk 10130
Roxasorg13th 8354
Perxitaa 6866
TheGrefg 5614

Top Spanish Channels

Channel Viewership
auronplay 53093
ibai 46850
kingsleague 38948
IlloJuan 35286
kingsleagueamericas 25176
BykingCL 24320
DiarioMARCA 24181
QuackityToo 22515
ElMariana 20310
Rubius 19566