Performance Summary
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  • Streamer Profile
  • Gorie_BE

  • Last live 2024-01-27 09:35:00
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    2017-07-15 16:25:47
  • De official Twitch van Gorie, de place to be voor Warframe en Pokémon streams met cursed humor en heel af en toe iets van nuttige informatie. Elke zaterdag een stream van 10u-12u behalve als het niet zo is!Insta: Gorie_BE Tiktok: Gorie_BE
  • Twitch Page

Channel Performance Over Time

Requires at least 2 weeks of tracked streams to render the chart

Most Streamed Games
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  • Time Streamed

Requires at least 2 games streamed during the selected time period
Average Stream
Games streamed 1
Followers 0
Duration 39
Hours Watched 3
Various Metrics
Active days per week 0 / 7
Total games played 1
Usually starts stream at 08:55
Overall Activity 1 of 275 days

Popular Clips


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Hours Watched

Requires atleast 3 datapoints to render the chart