Live viewers now
7-day avg viewers
Live channels now
7-day avg channels

Twitch Viewership

This chart shows the change in Twitch viewership over almost the entire time of its existence. The detailed by-minute chart and more information about Twitch viewers is located here. The live streaming data can be found at the links: unique streamers, concurrent channels, overall stream time.

Viewers 🞩 Streamers

This chart shows relation of the average number of concurrent live viewers to the average number of concurrent live channels, how it has been changing with each month. Declining amount viewers per one live channel (ratio on the chart) makes it harder for a novice streamer to get out of the bottom of a directory and get noticed.

Twitch Growth

Twitch achievements through the years


  • More than 7.4 MILLION channels go live on Twitch each month  2%
  • To date, Twitch content has been viewed for 16 BILLION hours  2.1%
  • Around 2382000 viewers are watching streams concurrently.  3%
  • On average, 95900 channels are streaming simultaneously.  3%


  • Each month, Twitch saw activity from 7.3 million distinct channels  4%
  • Viewers watched 21.4 BILLION hours of live content in total  4.5%
  • On average, there were 2,446,000 viewers watching streams concurrently  5%
  • An average of 92,600 concurrent streamers broadcasting live  1%


  • 7.6 MILLION unique channels streamed on Twitch each month  11%
  • Total of 22.4 BILLION hours of live content watched  8%
  • 2,578,000 average concurrent viewers  7%
  • 92,600 average concurrent streamers over the day  12%


  • Over 8.5 MILLION channels streamed on Twitch each month  23%
  • Twitch was watched for 24.3 BILLION hours  31%
  • Average of 2,778,000 viewers watched streams concurrently  31%
  • Average of 105,000 channels streamed concurrently  20%


  • 6.9 MILLION unique streamers each month  90%
  • 26.5 MILLION visitors come to Twitch daily
  • 1.55 BILLION hours watched per month on average  69%
  • 2,117,000 average concurrent viewers  69%
  • June 11th saw the peak of concurrent viewers in 2020 - 6,059,527 CCV
  • 87,500 average concurrent live channels  77%
  • 51,480 partners  45%


  • 11 BILLION hours watched  18%
  • 3.64 MILLION unique monthly broadcasters  7%
  • 1,256,000 average concurrent viewers  17.5%
  • 49,500 average concurrent live channels  20%
  • 35,580 partners  32% 2017


  • 9.33 BILLION hours watched  58%
  • 3.4 MILLION unique broadcasters every month on average  70%
  • 1,070,000 average concur. viewers over 2018  43%
  • 41,111 average concurrent live channels  67%


  • 5.9 BILLION hours watched  21.5%
  • 2+ MILLION unique monthly broadcasters  18% from 2015
  • 124 MILLION total clips, that have been viewed over 1.7 BILLION times
  • 15+ MILLION unique daily visitors
  • 27,000+ partnered streamers  100% from 2015
  • 150,000+ affiliate streamers
  • 106 minutes spent daily on Twitch per user  25% from 2012
  • 100+ MILLIONS unique viewers per month as of May 2017


  • 4.87 BILLION total hours watched  21%
  • 2.2 MILLION unique streamers
  • 590,000 CCV  7.3%
  • 14.2 BILLION chat messages sent  55%
  • More than a MILLION free Twitch Prime channel subscriptions
  • 590 MILLION total bits cheered
  • 153 MILLION total whispers sent
  • KAPPA 413 MILLION most used emote


  • Watched more than 459,000 years-worth of video (241,441,823,059 total minutes streamed)  25.7%
  • An average of 1.7 MILLION broadcasters streaming every month  13.3%
  • 7 monthly hours (421.6 minutes) watched per viewer
  • 2,113,999 peak monthly broadcasters
  • 35,610 peak concurrent broadcasters
  • 550,000 average concurrent viewers
  • 2,098,529 peak concurrent viewers
  • 13,476 partners  35%
  • 56% web, 35% mobile and 7% console viewers make up a Twitch viewership.
  • 9,169,726,092 total messages sent in 2015


  • 267 MILLION hours watched per month  33%
  • 11 MILLION total videos broadcast per month
  • 100 MILLION unique viewers per month  122%
  • 1.5 MILLION unique broadcaster per month  66.6%
  • 1 MILLION peak concur. viewers
  • 10,000 partners  96%


  • 200 MILLION hours watched per month  100%
  • 45,000,000 unique viewers per month  125%
  • 6,000,000 total videos broadcast per month  100%
  • 900,000 unique broadcasters per month  300%
  • 5100 partnered channels  50%
  • 106 minutes watched per user per day  25%
  • 21 average age on Twitch
  • 58% spend more than 20 hours per week on Twitch
  • 76% between ages 18-49
  • 68% have decreased watching TV to focus their time on game entertainment


  • 100 MILLION hours watched per month
  • 20,000,000 unique viewers per month
  • 3,000,000 total videos broadcast per month
  • 300K unique broadcasters per month
  • 3386 partnered channels
  • 85 minutes watched per user per day

Totals by month

Month Avg. concur. viewers Avg. concur. channels Time watched Active streamers
2024-10-01 2284078 84982 164453616 hrs n/a
2024-09-01 2362850 90296 1690225367 hrs 6815180
2024-08-01 2304231 93545 1714347864 hrs 7336651
2024-07-01 2249787 93025 1673841528 hrs 7400716
2024-06-01 2253306 92704 1622380320 hrs 7110932
2024-05-01 2326460 91405 1730886240 hrs 6957437
2024-04-01 2351562 95957 1693124640 hrs 7228117
2024-03-01 2467675 103527 1835950200 hrs 7943066
* Figures that represent the amount of active broadcasters are based on estimations and may significantly differ from the actual values.
* In terms of this page the meanings of broadcaster = streamer = channel are equal.