Twitch Cantonese Statistics


Live viewers

7-day avg. viewers

Live channels

7-day avg. channels

By-hour averges for the last 7 days


  • According to the chart, the highest ratio is at , when there are viewers per live stream.
  • Currently, the number of concurrent viewers is than the average for this hour, which is .
  • The top 10 Cantonese channels account for about 63% of the total Cantonese viewing time for the week.
  • Use this chart to determine the best time to stream for Cantonese Twitch audience.

Concurrent Viewers

Concurrent Channels

Top Live Cantonese Streams

Top Cantonese Channels

Channel Viewership
艾怡 2915
梓澪與村長 2721
達哥 1669
parobrod_ 897
Loui5Ng 499
占皮 389
卡比獸太子 298
顏色教練 259
Chickenwingli 244
shikiouo 235