Twitch French Statistics

Live viewers
7-day avg viewers
Live channels
7-day avg channels

By-hour averges for the last 7 days


  • According to the chart, the highest ratio is at , when there are viewers per live stream.
  • Currently, the number of concurrent viewers is than the average for this hour, which is .
  • The top 10 French channels account for about 14% of the total French viewing time for the week.
  • Use this chart to determine the best time to stream for French Twitch audience.

Concurrent Viewers

Concurrent Channels

Top Live French Streams

Channel Live viewers
aminematue 116153
otplol_ 61293
Inoxtag 26976
Kamet0 26751
Maghla 19797
Terracid 16327
Locklear 14740
Etoiles 14490
Gotaga 11740
Doigby 8456

Top French Channels

Channel Viewership
aminematue 46928
Squeezie 37642
byilhann 19671
Kamet0 18860
Domingo 14697
JLTomy 13372
ZeratoR 12670
AntoineDaniel 12473
nicotine84 11831
PereChabrier 10258