Twitch Subs Count & Stats
Explore the Top Portuguese Twitch Streamers by Active Subscriptions as of October 2024
  • This list ranks Portuguese channels based on the number of subscriptions gained from September 7th to the present day. The rankings are updated daily, with live channels receiving more frequent updates.
  • For detailed subscriber statistics and counts, visit the channel's profile page.
  • Note that this list may not be entirely comprehensive, and the values may have a margin of error.
  • Log in to start tracking of your channel's subscriber count.
Active Subs
#1 Gaules 30758
#2 alanzoka 20012
#3 Baiano 11598
#4 loud_coringa 11372
#5 gabepeixe 8095
#6 Hayashii 5246
#7 casimito 4945
#8 NS_ART 3800
#9 oestagiario 3706
#10 sacy 3595
#11 Olkabone 3459
#12 bt0tv 3303
#13 PaulinhoLOKObr 3290
#14 mount 3211
#15 brino 3171
#16 Ayellol 3162
#17 oMeiaUm 3161
#18 LuquEt4 3141
#19 RazaH 2915
#20 YoDa 2823