Twitch Subs Count & Stats
Explore the Top Spanish Twitch Streamers by Active Subscriptions as of October 2024
  • This list ranks Spanish channels based on the number of subscriptions gained from September 10th to the present day. The rankings are updated daily, with live channels receiving more frequent updates.
  • For detailed subscriber statistics and counts, visit the channel's profile page.
  • Note that this list may not be entirely comprehensive, and the values may have a margin of error.
  • Log in to start tracking of your channel's subscriber count.
Active Subs
#1 ibai 28675
#2 Rubius 28457
#3 auronplay 12623
#4 TheGrefg 9540
#5 DjMaRiiO 8320
#6 ElMariana 8182
#7 gerardromero 7363
#8 juansguarnizo 7081
#9 elded 6911
#10 FolagorLives 5637
#11 elxokas 5358
#12 knekro 5208
#13 alexelcapo 5174
#15 DessT3 5119
#16 Horcus 5115
#17 rivers_gg 5011
#18 REVENANT 4383
#19 rickyedit 4338
#20 quesadacid 4176