Performance Summary
Week Month 3 months all time
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Lifetime Overview
Total hours streamed
Highest number of viewers
Total followers
Total games streamed

Recent Streams
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  • Followers
  • Time Streamed

Channel Performance Over Time

Requires at least 2 weeks of tracked streams to render the chart

Most Streamed Games
  • Average Viewers recent
  • Followers
  • Time Streamed

Average Stream
Games streamed 1.4
Followers 131
Duration 370
Hours Watched 1373
Various Metrics
Active days per week 3 / 7
Total games played 6
Usually starts stream at 22:52
Overall Activity 214 of 501 days

Popular Clips


Requires atleast 3 datapoints to render the chart

Hours Watched

Requires atleast 3 datapoints to render the chart