RANK 400
Performance Summary
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Lifetime Overview
Total hours streamed
#4547 32522
Highest number of viewers
#661 874558
Total followers
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  • CrystalMolly

    Ranked # 400
    # 36 Spanish channel
  • Last live 2024-10-10 01:15:00
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    2016-06-14 01:39:38
  • Desde pequeña soy amante de los Videojuegos, Tengo 2 años en el ambiente Streamer pero recién vengo a probar en esta plataforma. Soy una persona muy relajada y me encanta que se lleven con toda confianza conmigo pero obvio con respeto entre todos.
  • Twitch Page

Channel Performance Over Time

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Most Streamed Games
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Average Stream
Games streamed 2.3
Followers 834
Duration 295
Hours Watched 15495
Various Metrics
Active days per week 3.3 / 7
Total games played 135
Usually starts stream at 01:42
Overall Activity 1009 of 2114 days

Popular Clips


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Hours Watched

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