RANK 111490
Performance Summary
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#5681 150753
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  • Streamer Profile
  • mrdracon99

    Ranked # 111490
    # 52650 English channel
    Twitch Top 1.64%
  • Last live 2024-10-23 20:25:00
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    2019-10-03 22:33:25
  • I am a disabled veteran, Voice Actor, and gamer who loves to play a variety of games, MMORPGS, FPS and RPG's, etc. I have been gaming for a very long time and just play to enjoy the experience. Thanks to my friend, Karve7, I was given this amazing opportunity. Streamer for Unite.
  • Twitch Page

Channel Performance Over Time

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Most Streamed Games
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Average Stream
Games streamed 1.1
Followers 310
Duration 138
Hours Watched 32
Various Metrics
Active days per week 2.8 / 7
Total games played 75
Usually starts stream at 20:53
Overall Activity 618 of 1548 days

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Hours Watched

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