Performance Summary
Week Month 3 months all time
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Lifetime Overview
Total hours streamed
#85 300741
Highest number of viewers
#131 2481924
Total followers
Total games streamed

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  • Streamer Profile
  • Roier

    Ranked # 583
    # 58 Spanish channel
  • Last live 2024-10-21 06:35:00
  • Followers
    ● 2481924
    Avg viewers
    ● 4143
  • Language
    2014-01-10 19:55:30
  • Una vez me hice bendejo y asΓ­ me quedΓ©
  • Twitch Page

Channel Performance Over Time

Requires at least 2 weeks of tracked streams to render the chart

Most Streamed Games
  • Average Viewers recent
  • Followers
  • Time Streamed

Average Stream
Games streamed 2
Followers 3540
Duration 208
Hours Watched 35209
Various Metrics
Active days per week 2.1 / 7
Total games played 179
Usually starts stream at 18:02
Overall Activity 782 of 2615 days

Popular Clips


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Hours Watched

Requires atleast 3 datapoints to render the chart